October food

Discussion in 'Club Meeting Info' started by reefjunky2, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    this months meeting is at shawns house and he is making soup so who ever wants to bring something this meeting please post it here thanks
  2. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Not sure I'll be able to make this meeting either. Sigh...work may interfere.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  3. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    I'm bringing some brownies
  4. Uperepik

    Uperepik Administrator

    So is anyone bringing drinks, and utensils
  5. jerryla

    jerryla Plankton

    I'll bring some chips and some cookies. Sorry not homemade, work has not allowed too much downtime. Looking forward to the meeting. I'll be stopping at the store before coming, so if we need anything let me know. I can pickup.
  6. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    I'll bring drinks and some ice Shawn.

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