"New" old members

Discussion in 'New Members' started by jkwages, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. jkwages

    jkwages Plankton

    My wife and i were members back in about 09. Due to life events we got oit of the hobby for a while but now getting back in. Heck, i think i still have our membership card somewhere and was just wearing one of the shirts the other day. I believe my username was "jason71832" then but cant find any posts. I was a mod on 3 or 4 forum categories. Anyway, fixing to start reefing again and i cant wait to join in on good discussions.
  2. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    Welcome back Jason! Hope you'll start a build thread when you get going on your new tank. Hope to see you at a meeting soon.
  3. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    Welcome back to the club
  4. jkwages

    jkwages Plankton

    I have pulled my 46 bowfront that I drilled myself out of storage and we are going to start it up again. I have missed the hobby deeply. We both have.

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