looking for a carbon reactor

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Bauxitehog, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. Bauxitehog

    Bauxitehog Activities Director Staff Member

    I have a gfo reactor. I am looking for another one to run separately or inline with my current one. I expect to change the carbon more often obviously so I don't want to mix them; trying save a buck or two the gfo media expense. Thanks.
  2. www.BulkReefSupply.com
    *Reactor+Maxi Jet
    *Hannah ultra low phosphate checker (unless your already checking phosphate)
    Consider researching alternative ways of binding and reducing phosphates-GFO is expensive
    I personally have used several BRS products for years and find them very reliable. I have learned though over time that buying quality equipment will save money in the long run, especially on a large tank.
  3. Bauxitehog

    Bauxitehog Activities Director Staff Member

    Hey Mark, I like the BRS system if I have to get new one that's the direction I'm going. I also like the idea of making sure there isn't a piece of equipement laying around someone isn't using due to an upgrade etc. I am absolutely in line with your thinking on that though.

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