LifeReef Nano Overflow

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by schillerstreetreef, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. After much consideration I decided to not drill my Nano Cube and run an overflow to a sump where I will run a filter bag for mechanical filtration and increase the water volume of the system as well as creating a place for a refugium. I will be removing the back plastic overflow that creates the 5 filter chambers in the back of the tank. This will create a lot more spaces in the tank for the inhabitants. I ordered a silencer that can be returned if not needed along with an extra overflow. Lifereef is a mom and pop kind of operation witch is good and bad, you can not purchase directly on there eighty persay, you fill out a order form and email it to them and then they call you for payment information and they only ship on a particular day, so I payed on a Wednesday but my order will not ship until Tuesday of next week. None of this is an issue with me just a more personal way of doing things and slower than what we have come to expect from big box etailers. I will post some pictures of the unending when it comes in.

    Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk
  2. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    I have a LIfereef overflow, sump/refugium set up with my RSM tank.  Jeff at Lifereef does great work.
  3. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    I am glad you decide to drill your tank; I think that was a disaster waiting to happen.
  4. Sorry to disappoint you Greg but I think you misunderstood that I have decided NOT to drill my tank. I do understand the risk but the max water volume that I could loose due to the overflow syphon stopping is only about a gallon of water which is acceptable for me in this setup. Any other time I would definitely drill.
  5. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    I personally used overflow boxes on several systems and have never had one fail. Life reef boxes are top of the line.
  6. Visted nlrgreg the other day and he was explaining to me why drilling this particular tank was not a good idea. It turns out that JBJ tanks are made with particularly thin glass. And while they can be drilled with no problem they will crack if any pressure is placed on the plumbing that will eventually happen with maintenance. Glad that I picked the right way to go on this.

    Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk 2

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