ALK test question

Discussion in 'Chemistry' started by Marti, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I have to say I hate this test. I The color just doesn't look the "end" color and I go bust nearly every time and have to do the test again. I'm using the test in the Success Calk kit. Is there another brand that works better? What brand do you use?
  2. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    I've tried testing ALK with three different brands of kits and had three widely different readings within a few minutes of each other. The hobbyist kits that are reasonably priced seem to be junk. I've seen Salifert recommended the most although they are more difficult to use IMO.
  3. I have used Salifer test which use titration and am very happy with them. They can even be used at half strength for a lower resolution test that doubles the amount of tests that you can do per kit. I have tested at full and half strength getting less than a 10% difference in results - so it is half strength for me on using there Alk and Calcium test kit, which lasts me about a year doing test periodically.

    Keep in mind when doing tests that your results are relative to the brand that you are using. If you stick to a particular brand and use the test as an indicator of an increase or decrease in whatever you are testing, as long as you are comfortable with the kit you are OK. When I visited Jim Griffins tank in Hot Springs last month I took my own test kits to test his tanks, because I wanted to see what values that his tank had relative to my tank with the same test kits. If I had used his kits to test then I can not very accuratly compare them to my tank. IWhat is important in conducting them is that you recognize an increase or decrease rather than what the actual number is.
  4. Marti

    Marti Guest

    My problem is I always go to "over dose" on the test. The color just doesn't look right to me and then I have to do it again. I'll try the half tests and see if that doesn't help. I'll try the Salifert the next time. I'm about to pull my hair out with this one. Thank you all for your help.
  5. Marti

    Marti Guest

  6. jsgates

    jsgates Guest


    I have great luck with the Seachem test kits. I have read that Salifert & Seachem are some of the best affordable test kits. Easy to follow directions. I use Seachem Marine Basic, PH & Alkalinity, & Calcium test kits. Good stuff.
  7. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    I just use the el cheapo API test kits. I have used Salifert kits at times, and they are nice.
  8. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    Test kit

    I prefer Salifert also. Its pretty precise.

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