Yellow Watchman Goby sand sifting?

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by brad0816reef, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. brad0816reef

    brad0816reef Guest

    I know there are sand sifting gobies out there but i just witnessed my YWG doing it. It was awesome!!!!!!
  2. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Yeah, they're fun until they decide to cover your plates, brains and other bottom dwelling corals. Though, I wouldn't gv eup my pink spotted goby for anything. To much personality.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  3. AttyJohnson

    AttyJohnson Guest

    I see my Yellow Watchman about once every 3 weeks. That guy hides in a ton of different spots and I have thought he was a goner on more than one occasion! He's a lot of fun when he comes out, but my lawnmower owns this tank with his personality.

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