wtb: sump pump

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by mrgeoreefer, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. mrgeoreefer

    mrgeoreefer Guest

    I am looking for a 500-800 gph pump, i can pay cash or do trading with liverock (15+pds) and cash.
  2. mrgeoreefer

    mrgeoreefer Guest

    mag 7 maybe?
  3. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Get a quiet one pump they are better. The mags make a lot of noise.

    raffle grabber
  4. jason71832

    jason71832 Guest

    Man....I would have one to sell you but after we moved out of our old house (bankruptcy) they changed the locks.....I got a coralife 1090, a 90gal drilled and a sump just sitting in there I can't get out.  Along with a tanning bed and some other stuff.  Surely I'm legally entitled to a way to get my personal stuff out.
  5. mrgeoreefer

    mrgeoreefer Guest

    There should be, i mean they already get your house and they are just gonna give the contents to how ever cleans out the house
  6. mrgeoreefer

    mrgeoreefer Guest

    i got one guys thanks

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