WTB 46 gallon Bowfront (freash water)

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by ScubaDog, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    A friend of mine is looking for a 46 bowfront for a freashwater system.
  2. james

    james Guest

    Is that kind of like a ALCOHOLIC that don't wont to admit hes got a problem :shock: :p
    Roy its all right to have a fresh if its just a little one :lol: :lol:
  3. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    LOL its true, The irony is that I gave away a 46 gallon bowfront,stand, canopy and sump a month or so back. Actually the twin 180's keeps me way occupied with routeen maintance! I sure don't have any time for another system lol. But yes a coworker of mine is looking for a medium size tank for a freashwater set up.
  4. james

    james Guest

    Ill soon have a 55 empty' but be a long way to get a tank :(
  5. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    do you still have a 55 for sale

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