this is kinda funny

Discussion in 'Beginning Reefers' started by billdozer1000, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. since i started the larger setup ive decided to aquascape it for a cleaner more asthetically pleasing look, so i'm trying my hand at fragging.  The subject is the little colony polyp that doesn't know where he wants to be lol i have three small cups that i put different kinds in however this little guy thinks he's  a green or something, he's gone from the red to the yellow and now resides on the side of the green cup lol, i think its awesome they can move about... Quite a journey for such a small guy
  2. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Looks a bit like one of those anemone's that are small and move all  around the tank, sure it's a polyp?

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