this is a leak...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nanoreefing4fun, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. Oops sprang a leak...

  2. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    I doubt a shop vac well be of much help. [​IMG]
  3. grimmett

    grimmett Tang

    Now thats a bad day. That mall is going to be a water park
  4. fox16rep

    fox16rep Guest

    WOW! More than their economy is falling apart!
  5. arkansastech

    arkansastech Guest

    nah, they can afford it...
    people like us keep buying oil therefore, they get $. They're not in an economic crisis...just us. Tell the czar or whom ever to sell one of those rolls-royce's that are made of platinum and im sure they can fix it quickly.
  6. austinl01

    austinl01 Guest

    Oh man, that is terrible. I hope they have flood insurance!

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