Tanks for Sale

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by camn55ivie, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    1-90 gallon cracked( along back) free! must pick up.-drilled
    1-30 gallon long drilled over-flow 25$
    plz pm me!
  2. joshd123

    joshd123 Guest

    Cracked where? and what is your price?
  3. sewhited

    sewhited Guest

    30 gal. long


    I meant to get back to you about the tank but I had a death in the family and had to be out of town. If you still have the 30 gallon long I would like to have it and could come get it this weekend. Just let me know if you still have it and if this weekend would work.

    Thank you,
    Scott Whited
  4. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    90 Gallon

    do you still have the 90 gallon?

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