Stocking Question

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by chief799, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. chief799

    chief799 Plankton

    I am going to be building my first saltwater tank and was wondering what the most fish you would put in it would be. It is a 29g tank that I would like to put some soft corals in at some point too. From what I have found from researching myself, 4 would be about all I would want. Does this sound ok? I was thinking a six line wrasse, coral beauty, and a pair of ocellaris clowns. I just want to make sure that won't be too heavy of a bio-load for the tank.
  2. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Depending on what you're equipment is rated for, the size of the adult fish you want and your water changing practices you could push it to 5. I had a tank a little bigger then that and had 5 fish in it. Two of which were a six line and a coral beauty. Never had any luck with clowns. If you don't want to add anything else, you should be good.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  3. chief799

    chief799 Plankton

    I will be starrting with a reef octopus bh100 skimmer and a marineland emporer 400 filter to begin with. Later on I want to build a sump/fuge, but I'm hoping those 2 can get me by for a bit. Thanks for the help BTW

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