Sand sifting gobies?

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by huntindoc, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    Anyone have experience with them? More trouble than they're worth? Do they aid in keeping the sand bed clean?
  2. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    They are good to keep your sand bed stirred up, bad if you have stuff on your sand bed. I like my tiger tail cucumber
  3. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    I have a sand sifting cucumber and he's good. I never see him except for at night. I also have a wheeler goby and his partner shrimp, they work the sand near their burrow and that's it. I had an pink spotted and pistol and they were a pain. Moved stuff EVERYWHERE. The wheeler is supposed to be a smaller goby. I just picked up a I think sunset goby and pistol pair this weekend. They're supposed to stay small. I can tell the pistol has started moving stuff around, but the goby is still trying to settle.

    So, in my opinion the bigger they are the more they're going to move, but they'll also be a pain if you don't have your rock really stable. Depending on tank size, you might want to consider smaller pairs. Granted, the gobies don't need partners, nor the shrimp, I just like the interaction between the two.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  4. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    david i have 3 gobies that try to keep up with my sand bed lol and for the most part they are no trouble to me
  5. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    Which ones do you have? I bought a fairly big Diamond Goby several months ago but that guy was psychotic. He finally carpet surfed though a hole in the QT canopy I would have sworn he couldn't get through.!
  6. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    i really dont know what kind they are i bought a 100 gallon tank 2 years ago and they came with the tank they were not all that big when i got them but one of them is good size now
  7. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    Describe them to us David. Maybe we can figure out what they are.

    Kim/Benton, AR

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