Sam (Former VP) is missed but doing great in his new Hobby

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by schillerstreetreef, May 14, 2012.

  1. Our former Vice President and one time Marine Aquarist of the Year is very much missed as he was a long time participant in all of the clubs events for several years having left the hobby about 6 months ago.  Sam is missed but doing great in his new hobby - woodworking.  Sam recently helped me build two custom panels doors to match the Conlonial Revival 100 year old home that I live in and they turned out great.  His major passion to replace fish lateley is making pens which are truly awsome.  I brought several and showed them off at a meeting not to long ago. He has found quite a market for them.  Her are some pictures that he sent me of his workshop that he rearranged just last week so that it is much more efficient for building projects.

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