Rusty Fan

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by heather, May 30, 2007.

  1. heather

    heather Guest

    The computer fan installed in my canopy has rust all over it. Is there a way to clean and protect it or should I just buy another one? It was never rusty when I had the tank going, but sitting in a humid storage building didn't do it any good I suppose.
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    They are pretty cheap to replace
  3. There is really no fixing them. I have the same problem with the fans on my main tank hood. They became louder and louder untill I shut them off which has made my chiller work harder. So when I got around to replacing them I found that the bolts were rusted solid and will need to be cut off. I think this time around I will build a bracket for them to slip into rather than bolted in so that I can just pull it out for cleaning, which I never did either because it was to difficult to remove them as often as they needed cleaning.
  4. heather

    heather Guest

    What I figured, thanks you two.

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