Replacement MH

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by smallreef2000, Aug 19, 2007.

  1. I am fixing to replace my MH 150watt Double Ended Bulbs.
    I currently run Megachrome Coral 14500k bulbs but they are rather expensive. I am trying to find a same/better quality bulb that is more affordable.

    What are your favorite bulbs and why?

    I have SPS, LPS, and anenomes.
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    A lot of people use the Ushio's. I am trying a Hamilton on the new clam tank, but haven't used it yet (the one in the Lumenarc)
  3. I have used an xm250 watt 10000k which I viewed as very harsh and didn't care for. I have also used the Pheonix 250 watt 14000K bulb and have not been bold over by it. I am probably going to join Blake in trying out the Hamiltons. I really think that lighting is one of those things on our tanks that it is very difficult to do very cheaply - at least when purchasing bulbs. It sucks paying so much for bulbs, I put it up there with paying for tires for my car. It is hard to be moved by a tube of rubber just as it is a bubble of glass and they both are necessities that are comparatively expensive as hell.
  4. even the hamiltons will be a savings. I pay almost $140 each for the megachrome from my lfs. I found them online for $130 plus shipping. The hamiltons from foster and smith are 90 plus shipping. The only problem I see with the hamiltons is that they only are available in 10k and 20k which means I will have the buy another t5 or vho setup for actinics.
  5. I just found hamilton 150w HQI 14k for $49.99 plus shipping from Check them out. Great prices.
  6. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    $54.95 free shipping on the same bulb from hellolights
  7. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    14k phoenix is an excelent choice as well

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