Remora Pro

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by entropyfan, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. entropyfan

    entropyfan Guest

    I just bought a Remora Pro a few days ago and am pleased so far. I'm not getting consistent results in my cup yet, but I realize I'm still in the break-in period (and still searching for that 'sweet spot'). I did get small cup of brown foamy water initially though, and I think the tank does look better already.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with adjusting/modding these to try to control the noise. It's not excessively loud, although not as quiet as I'd like. The slight sucking noise it makes isn't as easily relegated to background noise as powerheads.
  2. donut

    donut Guest

    My remora pro is loud. My wife constantly turns it off so that she can sleep in the living room. It works like a champ. If anyone has any secrets to keep it quite let me know. The tank is in our foryer so it can't be anything with pillows and ducktape [​IMG] . BTW, the bubbles will eventually go away without the skimmer box.

  3. I have (it is for sale) a Remora Pro with a Mag 3.5. I did notice it being a little louder than most other skimmers but it is not so loud that it is annoying. I have not had any "sucking" noises either.

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