Recommendation for Orthopedic Surgeon Needed.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tangafish, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    Can anyone recommend a good orthopedic surgeon. I would prefer to have one that specializes in shoulders but I dont have a clue who to use?
  2. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    try dr. jimmy tucker.i used him for my knee surgery but he does shoulders to i believe. i'll have to find his info for you. give me a bit.
  3. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    thanks. He would work out perfect. My husband may have to have knee surgery and I would prefer to use the same dr for both. Just curious how long were you off work after your knee surgery?
  4. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    i laid at home for a week and then went desk duty after that for about 2 weeks. after a month i was good as new even though they told me i wasnt [​IMG]
  5. kevink18

    kevink18 Wrasse

    Dr Yocum is a real good one he did the rod in my leg.
  6. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    Dr. Marvin Mummy performed my rotator cuff(right shoulder) surgery here in Fort Smith. The tendons were torn off of the bone. He had to go in and put in two titanium screws, grind a little bit of bone off then re attach the tendons. I would recommend him. He is in the new surgery center here in Fort Smith. River Valley Musculoskelatal Center 479-709-7000.
  7. tangafish

    tangafish Guest

    thanks for the recommendations guys. I will give them a look see.
  8. edman

    edman Guest

    Dr. Rudder in Hot Springs
    Dr. Collins in Little Rock
    Both are good shoulder surgeons.
    Dr. Rudder also operates on knees.
    I'm a Physical Therapist and work for Dr. Rudder.
    Good Luck!

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