Plumbing Leaks

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by jaysuncle, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    I had a discussion yesterday with a friend regarding having a submerged vs external sump return pump. He really stressed how dangerous external pumps were because of the probability of leaks in the plumbing and pump itself. He also said that the problem of leaks far outweighs the problem of heat transfer to the water.

    What has your experience taught you in this regard?
  2. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Those comments can be true when you do a 1/2 #%@ job on it.

    I had an external pump running for almost 2 years w/o a single leak.
    Had all kinds of pipes and tubes running all over the place w/o any leaks.
    Even with the HOB overflows I had the tank balanced to prevent any leaks. It's all about planning. I plan on going external to limit heat and so that i can service easier.

    1. Make a plan before you start (on paper/computer)
    2. Buy good supplies
    3 Buy the right size and lengths
    4. Use plumbing tape on every screw in pipe (and glue it if you never plan to remove it)
    5. Use pipe dope (liberally) on every connection
    6. Test run the system/plumbing before you stock the tank.

    But just in case, check your insurance policy to make sure you have coverage for water damage. Equipment & damage to floors/walls should be covered but they usually do not cover livestock.
  3. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    Us novices sometimes start doubting ourselves when we hear a strong face-to-face oral argument. But getting back on here is the best way to get back on track.

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