P.C. or T-5 fixture

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by bauxitechuck, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. bauxitechuck

    bauxitechuck Guest

    I am going to be replaceing my Coralife P.C. with either a P.C. 4 lamp 96 watt per bulb,a 4 lamp 39 watt T-5 or a 6 lamp Nova T-5 fixture.What would you suggest
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    For a three foot fixture? What are you trying to keep? PC's you can usually pickup bulbs locally and T5's usually you have to order, but I think NSA is keeping replacments.
  3. bauxitechuck

    bauxitechuck Guest

    I am keeping Leathers,Zoo's,Green star polyps and a trumpet.I would like to keep some Brains and a Clam or a Frog Spawn.Thanks Chuck
  4. espie

    espie Guest

    All of Nova's T5HO fixtures are solid. You can't go wrong with any of them.

    From what I've read, a clam would be pretty tough to keep happy under anything less that MH's.

    Just my two cents. =D
  5. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    You could keep the clam under the t5's but you would have to keep it up high, but that means you have the risk of it falling down. Anyway, many clams like maxima and crocea live in VERY shallow water. Many times exposed to air at low tide.
  6. donut

    donut Guest

    t5 vs PC

    My 108w 2x54w t5ho odessya (cheapo) fixture has the same par meter results as my 260w 4x65w PC fixture. I still use my PC fixture because I just don't believe it but, I would buy a t5 fixture before a PC.
  7. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    With PC's the bulbs run hotter, because there are two tubes right next to each other thus heating each other and causing the bulb to age faster. We have T5's over our 55Gal and we love them.

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