Orange shoulder Tang

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by xystic, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. xystic

    xystic Wrasse

    How fast do these things grow? I bought one recently for 15.00. He was 1 inch when I got him 4 weeks ago. Hes almost tripled in size. Its hard to believe but I swear he gets bigger everyday. At the rate hes growing I'll need a new tank soon lol or I'm going to have to sell him off. I don't expect to be getting a new tank till next year. Was hoping he'd grow slower XD.
  2. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Tangs grow fairly quick...

    Almost all fish grow quick up to a certian size and then it kinda tapers off...

    I would figure at about 4 or 5 inches he will taper off to a normal growth pattern of about an half to an inch a year.  Its important in the wild that these fish grow out of their juvi stage rather quickly.

    I got a shock myself the other day, I had been down for about 2 weeks and not able to take care of or even care less about going into my fish room and looking around. (Thank god for the wife) but when I did finaly go out, I looked at three orange line chromis that I had bought, all were really small and young, within those two weeks they had completely put on their adult dark colors and I swear they had grown an inch.

    Its things like that, that keep me interested in the hobby.
  3. tinkereef

    tinkereef Guest

    Tangs grow at different rates. Chances are you've got one that's going to continue to grow quickly and they can reach lengths of 14". You're more than likely going to have to find a new home for him soon. Tangs like to swim so they need plenty of room.
  4. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    I have a big tank when you are ready. Ha
  5. xystic

    xystic Wrasse

    Now if I could only grow corals at his rate!
  6. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Re: Re: Orange shoulder Tang

    I definately second that.

    Raffle grabber

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