New Skimmer and New Sump layout

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by SLUGG3R, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. SLUGG3R

    SLUGG3R Guest

    Last week I decided it was time to get a new skimmer. I think most of you know I was using the one built during the splash event last year externally off of my sump. It was actually working pretty well but I really wanted to put it in my sump and a recirculating skimmer would never fit in my sump, there just was not enough space.

    I also wanted to use a needle wheel on it because I have seen a lot of anacdotal evidence that they performed better. I ended up settling for a coralife super skimmer 125 because I believed I could get it to fit in my sump, and I was able to find it for the price of $120 - a great deal. I had also heard that they are very quiet and perform quite well.

    I got it in on Friday and immediately knew it wouldn't fit as I would hope. All of the footprint requirements I saw online did not include the space needed to fit the pump, so I was in for some changes.

    In order to make it work without disturbing my refugium I had to drain two chambers of my sump, use a razorblade to remove a baffle and swap the chamber where the return pump was with the chamber I was using as the skimmer and drain chamber.

    I wish I took pictures but I ended up getting it to fit just perfectly. In order to get optimum skimming I was forced to also drop the water level in my skimmer and return chamber by 6 inches. THis created a surprisingly difficult brainstorming event on how to move and remount my auto topoff system with the new level. Once I got that working again I filled the sump back up with new salt water and let it start.

    Thus far I am very impressed with the skimmer. It was easy to set up and get to work. They say there is a 24-72 hour break in period and the first day was interesting because it kept filling the cup with water no matter how I set the level in the skimmer.

    After 24 hours, and especially this morning it appeared to be pulling out some really dark green smelly stuff so it looks like it will be working well.

    The best part about it is how quiet it is. There is a silencer on the air intake and I can barely hear it running with my head under the stand. I am greatly impressed with how quiet it is. After about a month I'll let you know if I really recommend it.
  2. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    What pump does it have?
  3. SLUGG3R

    SLUGG3R Guest

  4. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    very good pump, I'm using 4 of them on my coralife 220 skimmers.
  5. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I'm using the skimmer too and love it. I got one for my 125 but have had it on another tank til I got it up. It pulls a lot out of the tank for sure.

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