Discussion in 'DIY' started by Guest, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I've been wanting to set up a frag tank for awhile now, and the chance came this last weekend, I went to see Jim Griffin and ended up buying his frag tank. It will be awhile getting it going, because the first thing I plan to do is finish out the stand. I have some lights and a 30 gal. sump I can use, but I'm going to have to have a few pumps and a skimmer. Not sure how all the plumbing is going to set-up yet, maybe we can come up with some ideas when we have the meeting next month. I'll try and post pics as the project comes together. I plan to use the frags to give to members of the club, and probably sell some to non-members to help support my saltwater addiction.[​IMG]
  2. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    Congrats on the new frag tank. I have seen this tank and almost brought it home when Chris and I, and and of course the lovely Roxanne, Visited Jim a few weeks ago. I would talk to them about the plumbing and lighting. It's very nice of you to offer to growout frags for the club. We are growing in membership and will need to help the new reefers get some nice corals. If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to give me a call and I'll get Chris, blake, or Marti on it as soon as possible !!!!! Really, give me a call anytime.
  3. espie

    espie Guest

    Grats! Can't wait to see pictures. =D
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Tanks Fisher12, I may take you up on the offer. It's always good to get some different ideas tossed around when setting up a new tank.
  5. Marti

    Marti Guest

    That's neat having a frag tank. Yes we will help in any way we can.
    When Jim & I started our reef tank we thought we'd sell our frags to support our Tank habit. I keep giving them away tho LOL We have a shelf on the side of our tank that we keep our's on. I didn't like it at first but it's covered in coraline so I'm fine with it now.
  6. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    I just setup our frag tank a few weeks ago. It is no where near the size of the one you are talking about. Maybe 30 some odd gallons. I need to get the turnover rate from the sump higher. I have my DIY Maxi-Jet Mod in there and it is doing better.

    We can help with any questions you have.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks everyone for the kind offers to help. Everything is still pretty much up in the air as far as how I am going to set it up. I want to have a mixed tank were I will have an area for SPS and Lps and softies, so I will need to have areas of low flow and low light and other areas of high flow and high light. I have this coralife 24" light unit I want to try and use it has one 150 watt MH and two 65 watt vho on it. I will try it and then maybe add more light if needed.
    Haven't put much thought in plumbing yet. the tank has (3) 1.5" bulkheads. and it came with a spray bar for the top. I don't really want the total flow running thru the sump. And I would like to some how use the existing snapper pump I have on my 125. and replace it with a dart since I'm not getting the flow I want thru the OM on my main tank. Gona have to think on that one awhile.
  8. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    One thing about having a lot of softies in the tank is a slowed growth in the stony corals. I noticed once my toadstool leathers got huge that my SPS growth slowed down quite a bit, but if I run carbon constantly it helps a little... just a thought you know.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yea I will have to be carefull and keep an eye on things, because you really don't know what kind of cemical warfair might happen when mixing up corals. So far in my main DT I have a mixture of everything and all seem to get alone fine, but you never know.

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