Never believe the fish store ........

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by huntindoc, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    When they tell you their salinity is thus or so. I'm sure you guys never do this but this newbie picking up his first fish did. I had my refractometer in the truck and instead took their word. When I got home one bag was 1.032! The other was 1.027, not so bad. I thought maybe my refractometer had lost calibration but I checked it with the standard and it was spot on.

    The guy in the 1.027 bag is safely in QT hiding at the bottom of the tank. The other poor guy is still in acclimation. Hope he does ok!

    Has this ever happened to you? What would you do if that had been a shipped fish instead of one that had only been in the bag 40 minutes when it was opened?
  2. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    When ever I got fish flown in to the store the salinity was all over the place. I've been asked many times to check the salinity of a tank before someone bought a fish etc... it only takes a few seconds so I never minded. I bet your store will do the same.
  3. xystic

    xystic Wrasse

    When I order fish, its like that as well. Salinity will vary from bag to bag.

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