
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by reefmann, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    I informed Norman this morning that due to some complicatons in my treatment regimen I am having to reschedule the meeting at my place in April. Its taking me a little longer to get over each one and I have been weighing this decision since all this started.

    I tried to keep it and hated to have reschedule but, it really is best.  I want to be feeling normal and back to 100% so that we can all have some fun.  I was really looking forward to having everyone over and sharing our tank and our home. I still will open my door for any of you any time you would like to come over.

    I still will have a meeting though!!! LOL   We talked about looking into a fall month. Besides.... The tank will be twice as nice by then I hope.

    Forgive me,  [​IMG]

  2. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    Mann there is nothing to forgive, it's all good. Please let us know if there is anything you need.

    Anyone want to host next months meeting?
  3. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    This is what I was trying to avoid... I hate to cancel stuff.  I really wanted to hold the meeting.
  4. monkeybone87

    monkeybone87 Administrator

    I think what you are going through has a little more importance than a meeting. Don't feel bad, we will take advantage of your hospitality later. :)
  5. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    Not a problem, I will get it rescheduled and let everyone know.

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