looking for a smallish tank

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by espie, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. espie

    espie Guest

    I am planning on building a small tank for a friend, and I thought I'd ask around before he went and spent a bunch of cash on new equipment. I need:

    A small display tank (less than 30 gallons) - already drilled would be fantastic
    A small skimmer
    Any bulkheads or fittings that might be laying around
    Mag pumps/powerheads
    VHO's or PC's to cover said aquarium (retrofit or pre-fab - doesn't matter)

    Please pm or email me with prices if you have anything I could use.

  2. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    small tank

    I have a 40 gaalon for sale. I have a broken down price list with the listing. The listing is,40 Gallon Salwtwater Setup

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