Live sand debate black sand vs white sand

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by Lionfish12, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Lionfish12

    Lionfish12 Plankton

    hello all im new to the site and just starting to set up my first saltwater aquarium gonna be going with a reef tank with fish and have seen black and white sand and cant decide which I want to us in my tank so I thought I would turn to you all to get some input from yall also was thinkin about purple live rock weigh in on that as well thanks in advance for the responses.
  2. monkeybone87

    monkeybone87 Administrator

    IME most people don't like the black sand forever :) Eventually it ends up they want normal sand, dump it on top of the black, mix it in and end up with a mottled mix.

    I vote white sand :) Also, no matter what color rock you have now, it will turn purple if you can get corraline algae to grow in your tank (not hard).

    Good luck and welcome to the forums :)
  3. Lionfish12

    Lionfish12 Plankton

    thanks coral :)
  4. Uperepik

    Uperepik Administrator

    I have black sand in a small 2 gallon I'm doing just for something different. But for my main tank I use white. Black sand does not act as a buffer since most are silica based. Many people do not recommend it unless it is for a small nano due to being harder to clean. I do think it looks really cool, which is why I still wanted to try it in my 2g. I use the caribsea Fiji pink sand in my 24g and love it.

    And welcome, glad to have you and hope to see some pics soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2013
  5. alpineroush

    alpineroush RRMAS Supporter

    I have grey sand that i love in my dt. Its called grey coast by Seachem
  6. Uperepik

    Uperepik Administrator

    Could you show a pic. I've heard of it but have never seen it. It is calcium carbonate based isn't it?
  7. sperry_1978

    sperry_1978 Membership Director

    I have black sand in my 135 and love it! I like the way the black looked over the white... I can tell you there is a huge price difference between the black and white sands.

    Shane's Samsung
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2013
  8. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    I used to have black sand for ny cichlids years ago but it didnt buffer. We used to sell the black sand but after you added it to your tank it was more of a brownish black it buffered though. You can look on caribseas' website for they're black sand I think thats the one you got right shane?
  9. sperry_1978

    sperry_1978 Membership Director

    Yes, Sir! The Fish Tank ordered it for me!

    Shane's Samsung
  10. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Is it still deep black or is it faded?
  11. sperry_1978

    sperry_1978 Membership Director

    I can't really tell a change

    Shane's Samsung
  12. alpineroush

    alpineroush RRMAS Supporter

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