Ich crisis

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by sealess, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I think I would do the 20-25gal water change, add the carbon and skimmer, and hold off on the second treatment to see if you have any more ick problems. With the fish in better condition now they may be better off. Best thing to do is just keep reading. You can gain a lot of knowledge from the internet and books. Ask questions anytime and I'm sure someone on here will help you.
  2. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    When you turn on your skimmer be sure to stick around a while, because the medication could cause it to just skim water right out of your tank.
  3. Bobby@W.U.W

    Bobby@W.U.W Guest

    do your waterchanges via skimmer overskimming. thats the way I do it.
  4. sealess

    sealess Guest

    What do you mean "overskimming"? I have a prism skimmer that hangs on the tank and I turn it to where the bubbles flow over, but not water.

    I came down with pneumonia over the weekend so haven't had a chance to go get the r/o and do water change yet. last dose of medication was added Saturday - hope to get that taken care of soon. My livestock is still looking good and feeding well - much healthier than I am! [​IMG]
  5. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I'm sorry to hear about your being sick. Hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about overskimming, Just keep doing what you're doing and the plans for the next few weeks. If I can do anything to help just let me know and I'm sure Marti and Jim will ride with me if we need to come help you. Don't get discouraged, this hobby is a lot of fun when you get things settled and running right. Hope you and your family are planning on attending the Dec meeting, it will be a lot of fun.
  6. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    A lot of times when we dose medications (which we try to avoid) our skimmers are affected and seem to go nuts, and they start foaming and overflowing the collection cup with water, usually within a few minutes.

    That is why I said keep an eye on it.

    Hope you get to feeling better.
  7. Bobby@W.U.W

    Bobby@W.U.W Guest

    ok overskimming on a prizim is bad unless you like a wet floor. yea forget about overskimming. your doing good jest keep it up and I hope you get better soon.
  8. sealess

    sealess Guest

    back among the living!

    Sorry to drop out there for a couple of weeks. My fish have recovered from the ich and I recovered from pneumonia then... I got a new computer! So it's taken me all week to switch from my old computer to this one and now my body and my "electronic" brain are both up and running!! [​IMG]

    I did the 50% water change and my nitrates are now below 20 - HURRAY! Skimmer's doing its thing, fish and inverts all seem well. I feel like I've passed through "phase one" of the crisis - now just to monitor water parameters and any signs of reinfestation. Thanks so much everyone!
  9. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

  10. Jim

    Jim Guest

    I am glad to hear that your tank is doing good and that you are feeling better. :)

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