I think I already know the answer but......

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by huntindoc, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    is this ich?



    His other side is normal. He ate great this evening. One of the other two fish with him was in the same tank at the LFS. Both of the other fish in QT with him appear normal.....for now.
  2. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    It looks to big to be ick to me, but I can't quite tell.
  3. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    kind of too clumped all in one spot for ick. May be, but could just be junk stuck to its slime. You will find out tomorrow.
  4. moogoomoogoo

    moogoomoogoo Moderator

    well, what's the verdict today?
  5. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    This morning he looked much better. Most of the white stuff was gone. He ate well at noon when I came home for lunch. I noticed then the area where the white mucous was before was very swollen. When he swam away from me you could see it sticking out twice as far as his good side.

    This afternoon when I came home he was huddled up in a PVC ell. He's breathing hard, not swimming and did not eat this evening. The other two fish in QT are still looking great.

    NH3 zero, N02 zero, NO3 5, SG 1.026, PH 8.0, temp 79.0 F

    Doesn't look he's gonna make it to me.
  6. tinkereef

    tinkereef Guest

    Kind of looks like marine velvet to me.
  7. monkeybone87

    monkeybone87 Administrator

    Here is a great page with a lot of different ailments your fish may have.


    My guess is either velvet like Nadia suggested, or possibly Uronema Marinum or Lymphocyctis virus
  8. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    Well, he was in his hidey hole in his mucous blanket dead this morning. No visible lesions except for thick white mucous and the afore mentioned swelling. Definitely not ich with such a virulent course (dead within 36 hours of first symptom).

    So far his QT tankmates appear normal. Not sure what to do for them at this point. Bummed out!
  9. Chum

    Chum RRMAS Supporter

    See the attached article. I had wondered about using prophylactic measures during quarantine and it looks like the author suggests doing that with the suggested products Prazipro, Cupramine, and Maracyn Two. Some of the more experienced members here may be able to chime in on the subject.


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