humming birds

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by cindyk18, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    does anyone eles love humming birds like i do?
  2. Great pics - thanks for sharing - we love them too ! [​IMG]

    Any tips?

    We have two feeders & buy pre-pack red dry mix from Walmart - noticed your mix was not red, apparently it does not matter, you have more hummers than we get.
  3. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    i have done alot of reading up on humming birds and the red dies is not good for them the mith is its color red is to lore them in so they now your feeding them that you have feeeders out but they will finde the clear just as easy you use 1 part sugar to three parts water you boil your water just let it just get to a boil turn off and then add your sugar and mix well cool conpleetly and fill your feeders and refrigerate the rest i make a gallon milk jug and its gone in 2 days i have to fill up everyday i have everyhole with a bird at most times but not in picture they dont like you to get too close need any more info you can pm me thanks cindy and can give you a good web sight to go to
  4. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    Yea we like the humming birds as well, I will have to try making my own humming bird juice next time.
  5. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    theres supose be a place in ark.called humming bird mountain and just thousands of them ive been meening to go
  6. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    The humming bird mountain would be cool. Do your humming birds fight with each other? We have also had humming bird wasp fights as well.
  7. +1 I to ... will try making my own humming bird juice next time... thanks for the feedback

    I saw a special on TV about humming bird mountain - it was very cool !
  8. How long will they stay in Arkansas?
  9. MrsC

    MrsC Guest

    I have a hummingbird vine with red flowers that is really neat. Cindy I'll try and remember to bring you some seeds.
  10. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    that would be great thanks

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