Help with New McCoskers Flasher Wrasse

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by graciesdad, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    I purchased a McCoskers Flasher Wrasse for my tank yesterday. I drip acclimated him for over 45 minutes like I have with every fish I have ever put in the tank. Upon placing him in the tank, he immediately swam under a rock. I can see him as he is on the edge, but he has been there for for almost 32 hours now without coming out. I have fed twice to try to encourage him to come out without any luck. I have never had a fish do this and I am getting worried that he is too stressed. What should I do next?
  2. He just being shy my guess ... some fish take a couple of days to get confident enough to come out & explore thier new home.

    Here a related post I read about them...

    This species is suitable for intermediate and advanced marine aquarium keepers. The Filamented flasher wrasses can be somewhat sensitive during the first few weeks before they have adapted to their new surroundings and are therefore not recommended for beginners.

    These fishes need to be introduced to new aquariums slowly and I suggest allowing them 4 hours to acclimatize before releasing them into a new tank. The Filamented flasher wrasse is very shy the first few days after being introduced into a new tank and it might take a few days before you even see it again.
  3. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    This is not uncommon for wrasses. Some will actually dive under the sandbed and stay there for a couple days at a time. Some sleep under the sandbed every night. I would not be too concerned for at least three of four days. He may come out at night and pick at the rocks. By all meand don't keep adding food to the tank, you will cause more problems than you want.
  4. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

  5. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    + 2 3 and 4
    what does that mean anyway???
    By the way John...........get an avatar............!!!
  6. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    What the he-- is a avatar. Man you are old, +1 means I second what you said above.
  7. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    you must be older than avatar is the picture in your post by your name, mine is a H tusk
  8. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    I haven't found anything good looking enough!!!![​IMG]
  9. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    Take a pic of that great reef tank, that would be a good one
  10. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    Always wondered why he just didn't put a picture of himself... Just Kidding John. Thanks for the input. I saw the fish come out this morning. He was trying to find other rocks to hide under. I guess he found one, because when I got home tonight. He is nowhere to be found. I will just keep waiting it out. I didn't want you to think that I was overfeeding my tank for the wrasse. I usually feed a small amount of frozen food once a day and twice a day about 2-3 times per week as I have read that the anthias like to eat often. I can't wait until my McCosker's starts to swim openly in the tank. He looked impeccable at the store. Thanks for helping to put me at ease.
  11. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    I can't remember your real name[ my bad[​IMG] ] I think its Cindy???? Anyway anthias require feeding atleast twice a day and three is better. They are probably one of the most demanding fishes as for regular feedings their is. They have very small guts and a high metabolism. Frozen is the best, a lot less phosphates then flake. One thing that helps is to unthaw the food and pour it into a brine shrimp net and pour a little tap water over it to rinse the liguid it was frozen in away. Good luck with the wrasse. You like picking easy fish I see.
  12. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    I'll go away quitely, I just realized that "Gracesdad " is not probably a Cindy, sorry. I really wish we had a list of user names to real names on site.
  13. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    Its ok. My name is Jason Todd. I have seen you at several of the meeting and at NSA but I just haven't introduced myself. I probably won't be able to go to the next meeting, but I promise I will say hello next time I see you.
  14. +1 [​IMG] Take a pic of that great reef tank, that would be a good one

    my avatar is my clownfish

    and ... +1 I really wish we had a list of user names to real names on site.

    If forum members would add signature lines (1st name would be nice) - you would have it [​IMG]
  15. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    Good idea Glenn, I'll have to call Norman and find out how to do both. Well I figured out one.
  16. Good work on signature line !

    To upload avatar

    Click - User Control Panel

    Click - Profile

    Click - Edit avatar

    Click - Upload from your machine:

    Browse your PC & point it to a picture you want to use :)
  17. Jason - hope you got your new fish question answered - before went off-topic - I think you did

    Let us know how he does - beautiful fish !

    One more sidebar - if you don't have a pic on your PC, on the Internet, you can right click on about any pic (most are not protected), then choose save as & save it to your PC & use it as your avatar -size limitation taken into account - hope this helps someone.
  18. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    Unfortunately I found this fish dead in the back of my tank last night. I am really not sure what went wrong. But he didn't make it. I still want to try this species again. They look to be a fantastic fish with great coloration. I know that there are some valleys that we all must face in this hobby, but I was so upset last night when I found him.
  19. [​IMG] sorry to hear about the loss of your fish, sometimes it happens & it's not the fault of our own or anything we did many times, just unknown & sometimes happens, maybe stress or he was sick to start with...

    All you can do is test & see if your numbers look good.
  20. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    One thing you may consider is the specific gravity of the water you acclimate from. I have brought fish home from stores and found the water to be as low as 1.019. Some stores use Copper and other products as well as hyposalinaty. If you acclimate the fish say for 1hr, which many people don't take near that long, the change from 1.019 to the 1.023 to 1.026 in your DT is too much for the fish to handle and the results don't show for a few days. This is another good reason to always QT your new fish. You can match the specific gravity of the water and raise it to the level of your DT very slowly over a couple weeks. I think this is one of the major reasons for losing fish a few days to a week after purchase. Always check the water before adding anything to your system, and never add any of the store water to your tank.

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