Help finishing my stocking...

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by graciesdad, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    Currently I have a 29 gal tank with a mixture of softies, SPS, and LPS and 4 fish. Tank has a 4" sandbed and around 30lbs of live rock. I have a Six Line Wrasse, an Ocellaris Clown, a Purple Firefish, and Tangaroa Goby with pistol shrimp and a CUC of snails and hermit crabs. I wanted everyone's thoughts on possibly adding a Flame Angel. I have read that they can be coral nippers and should be added with caution but have also seen people post that they have never had any problems whatsoever. So I am a little cautious. Thoughts??? If you think that it is a poor fit, does anybody have any other recommendations? I want something with a lot of color that won't get into it with my other fish and won't kill my corals. Let me know what you think...
  2. fox16rep

    fox16rep Guest

    I have a 29 gal too, but only have 4 fish. I was told any more than that would be pushing the bio load. We recently added a Flame Angel to our 55gal. It is very active. We think it may have killed our Midas. We have not seen it pick on any of the coral.
  3. jsharum

    jsharum Guest

    When I had a flame angel its diet consisted of my star went back to the LFS
  4. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    A flame canbe very nippy at most sps corals and in a large tank with larger corals it doesn't matter so much but in a small tank wit usally smaller specimens it can be bad. At the least your sps well polyp out only after lights out when the fish go into the reef, as in the wild. I have one along with a coral beauty in my 240 and my acros don't polyp out during the day but come out full after lights out. I like the fish so I settle for the trade off. Also you may want to keep an eye on that six line, as it grows the nano may become small for it and it could get aggressive towards the others as they like space when bigger.
  5. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    Thanks for your feedback. Flame Angel doesn't sound like the best fit for my small setup. So back to thinking of other options. I still want to add a splash of color in my tank without disrupting the other fish and coral. It seems like the fish that were my first choices aren't good fits as I was also interested in a Midas Blenny but read that they nip at Purple Firefish. Please keep your ideas coming as I am still pretty new to the hobby and I have a feeling that I am missing some cool ideas that a more experienced hobbyist would think was as no brainer...
  6. fox16rep

    fox16rep Guest

    I have a Royal Gramma (purple and yellow) and a Yellow Tail Damsel (blue and yellow) in mine with a Clown and a Barbershop Goby with shrimp. They all seem to get along well. The Clown and Gramma do have their spots in the tank they protect. The Gramma is the best looking fish from a distance in my tank. I love the Midas, wish mine would ave made it.

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