Going to start a pet store!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by joshd123, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. joshd123

    joshd123 Guest

    I am going to start a pet store. My wife and I have thought about it for years. This winter we have desided to just do it. We plan on opening in Beebe AR. That is just North of Little Rock on HWY67/167. You can look it up on mapquest.com the zip is 72012.

    If there is anyone who could help us with places to order items such as birds, fish, corals, tanks, lights and so on that would be a big help. We are going to start off with a lower budget to make sure things are going to work. When we get the word out that we are open I will start keeping more and more items in stock.

    I would like to be a full service saltwater shop. A place to get the items you cant find in my part of the world. I had to drive 1 hour and 15 mins to get bulkheads other day. I could have ordered them off line but I neede them today.

    I know there are few people in Austin and I would love to cater to their needs. I plan on doing frag swaps as well. A full time service that would be free of charge to all Razorback Reefers only. Even swops. Not the kind where the store gets 5 lbs of your liverock and nice size coral and I get just a 1 by 1 inch frag of something. That way it would be worth your time to come see the place when we get it open.

    If there is one thing I understand about saltwater. It is very easy to go WAY OVER BUDGET. So, I am going to sell items on consignment. So if you have some items just sitting around and would like to make some good money on them. Or if you would like to trade some of those unwanted items for Salt or anything in our store. Just give me a call.

    If you have any ideals on what you think your local fish store should be doing please PM me and let me know. I want to have the kind of shop that people get what they want.

    You can PM me for my # if you would like to talk about anything. Thanks
  2. We certainly wish you all of the best and look forward the opening of your store. I can understand your frustration about not having access to the supplies that a DIY person like yourself gets. There have been many a time that things aren't available even in Little Rock. I think that as our hobby grows so will the supplies available at local fish stores. I look forward to visiting you for your opening.
  3. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Let us know when we can come by and see the new store. We'll look forward to it. :) I'll keep my eye's open for any info that could help you. We wish you the best!
  4. kevink18

    kevink18 Wrasse


    Were are you going and when are you going to open petstore.
  5. joshd123

    joshd123 Guest

    When I made the post my wife and I where looking at a Location and the deal was in the works. If we would have got that location the store would be open ATM. But, things happen. We did not get the building. With the setback on finding a location we moved the plans to open this spring or summer of 2008 or when we find a good location.

    The way things look we are going to have a big year with the landscaping in 08. People are still calling to make appointments with us as soon as the weather brakes. With the company doing so well it will give us a little more financial freedom to invest in the store. I really hope that the pet store works out. So be praying for us.
  6. setflyer

    setflyer Guest

  7. ljinks

    ljinks Tang

    any updates on the status of this one josh?

    anything we can do to jumpstart ? ( other then constant prodding....)

    this state is Way short on Store options

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