For Sale

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by camn55ivie, May 28, 2008.

  1. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    hello, new items...

    90 gallon drilled, wood (oceanic) stand & canopy, w/ pro-clear sump for 125, super skimmer and return pump. 800.00$ reef ready
  2. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    Also has 8 48" VHOs built into the canopy!
  3. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    got pics?
  4. ljinks

    ljinks Tang

    dimensions on stand ?
  5. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    Yes, i do.
    go to discussion and go back a few pages look for Cameron's remodled 90 gallon...thats it!
    dems r = 50.25"x19.5"x31.5"

    ....great dealllll!!!!!!
  6. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    Someone please make me an offer! This must go!! Has berlin skimmer not coralife... my number is 501-554-0396!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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