Feb Meeting- LFS?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Events / Road Trips' started by MrsC, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. MrsC

    MrsC Guest

    Is there a LFS near the meeting this weekend?
  2. jason71832

    jason71832 Guest

    There is an LFS and a petco in Ft Smith. Wife and I are going to the LFS for some mysis after the meeting. It's on Rogers avenue....7302 I think...Across from the medical center. You can follow if ya want.
  3. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    I just talked to the owner of the local store today, he is going to be stocked up he said for the meeting. it is across from the hospital on Rogers avenue. I don't recommend Petco.
  4. clomon

    clomon Guest

    the store is Just Fish the owner is Steve he is great and can help you with anything!
  5. MrsC

    MrsC Guest

    That's great!! Thanks for the info!!

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