DIY Filter Sock...

Discussion in 'DIY' started by reefmann, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Take One....




    She said she could have made them look a LOT better had I not been standing over her shoulder the whole time... It came out okay though... Not for resale but I hope in the future these will become much easier and ten times better and we can get these out to people in the club that need them besides paying an arm and a leg for the store bought ones...
  2. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Came home this evening and found these laying across the back of the couch.... My wife is awesome!

  3. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Re: Re: DIY Filter Sock...


    Raffle grabber
  4. staticcling

    staticcling Guest

    What are they made of?
  5. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    100% Polyester felt and a 4" drain pipe that I cut the rings off of... 
    She does the rest. Work just as good as a store bought one. Very cheap
    too.... Very cheap......
  6. staticcling

    staticcling Guest

    They look great!
  7. There are awsome filters, I really like when DIY projects turn out so well.  I am an avid believer in using some type of mechanical filtration and have included them on all of my tanks.  For those of us that have great wives too but may not be so sewingly inclined The Fish Tank in Little Rock across from Park Plaza mall on University has a huge stock of lare and small filter sock for around $5.  They couldn't get the small ones like I needed for a long time but know have both sizes.
  8. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    When it comes to haveing a tank my size.... I run two on the system and have to change them out almost every day...

    I had to find some way to make these.. I needed about 20 of them just so I wouldnt have to keep bothering Angela to wash the socks over and over.. I showed her this DIY style and her eyes lit up... LOL  Now I can go a whole 7 days or so before having to wash a load.

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