Coral color issues

Discussion in 'Corals' started by sdf_beanhead, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    Ok, here's a good question for all of you.

    I am having some issues with some corals. I have a red and green war coral (Favites) that is very washed out on the top that faces the light, it is sitting on the sand. There is a small Acro next to it that is supposed to be VERY light purple almost white with dark polyps (ORA Pearlberry to be exact), it is brown. I have a few other corals that are having issues, but let's focus on these that are basically in the same spot.

    So Favites that is washed out almost white on the top parts that face the lights, and Acro next to it that is brown. Both sitting on the sand in the same area of the tank.

    It seems like to me the Acro would be doing good if there was enough light to make the top of the Favites bleach out.

    Why isn't it? Maybe overheating is causing these reactions in both corals?
  2. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Could be not enough actinic to color up. Just guessing. Heat could def be an issue to correct if possible.

    Raffle grabber
  3. blackfish

    blackfish Guest

    Temp is getting to high if all other para are correct.
  4. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    I would think the Acro would bleach out too. I'll see if I can get the temp down and keep it down
  5. derek4real

    derek4real Guest

    Post your water parameters.

    I don't know your tank, so don't know anything about you specific system. In my experience, corals can brown out for MANY various reason. Lack of light tends to be the issue with mine.

    Did you recently move it or move a power head or something?
    Did you change your bulbs?
    Have you changed your dosing method?

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