Christmas Party frags

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Deton8it, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Deton8it

    Deton8it President Staff Member

    A few things.
    I am going to cut a few SPS frags (and possibly some other corals) for extra spending cash and post them on Facebook. Since I'm already getting dirty, I am also going to cut a few easy corals to give away at the Christmas/Holiday Party at Doc's house. These will be easy to keep SPS like Birdsnest, Red Montipora Capricornis, Montipora Digitata and maybe a few others. There will probably be a few Hammer's too. All of these will be very limited in quantity and in order of most listed first. i.e. I have more Birdsnest that I can frag than I do Monti Cap. More Monti Cap than Digitata etc... New member's have first pick of the free ones. In the case of multiple new members we can draw numbers for first pick. In the case of too many new members and not enough frags, I will bring their frag the following meeting or we will work something else out. Lastly, I may have a few other corals to auction for the club. If you are set on a certain piece you may want to buy it. If you are willing to gamble then you can see if you win it in the auction. As I solidify details I'll update this thread.

    BTW, this does not include the Bonsai's cut for Allan and Bo.

    Botheboss likes this.

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