Basic question: how do I change filter sock?

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by chenaltutor, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. chenaltutor

    chenaltutor Guest

    I recently got a new 75-gallon FOWLR tank setup. It's been running for a month, and someone suggested moving to a thicker filter sock to remove clouds of snail poo in the water. I got all these detailed instructions on washing them, drying them, and keeping a good supply on hand for all of the laundry.

    Ok, I bought some but don't know how to replace it in the sump. Thanks!
  2. There are lots of good reasons to using filter socks mechanical filtration but I have to say that using them for snail poo is a new one for me. As far as detailed instructions on washing them I would be interested to know what they are. I throw mine in the washer, not with any clothes - I have already gotten in trouble for that, dry them and soak them in water to make sure there is no detergent left in the sock before replacing the dirty ones. I change mine about once every two weeks weather they need it or not so that I don't have to do them seperately. I started cleaning them by blasting them with water - no detergent or cleaning chemicals at all - but that just does not remove the detritus well enough and they clog again very quickly. My filter socks have a plastic ring in them that rest on a hole cut in acrylic about a quarter inch less than the diameter of the ring. I just pull them out when needed and pop in another clean one. I am a big fan of mechanical filtration and have socks on all three of mine. Hope this helps.
  3. SLUGG3R

    SLUGG3R Guest

    I remove the sock, turn it inside out, put it in the washing machine by itself set to large load and somewhat surprising to many people I put in a capful of bleach. The sock comes out nice and clean with no chance of anything left living.
  4. Marti

    Marti Guest

    I clean mine the same as Slugg. It works great and the bleach doesn't hurt anything as it's such a small amount.
  5. ladifysh

    ladifysh Guest

    Instead of using bleach I began using Oxiclean. It can be in the was with hot water or in a 5 gallon bucket to soak overnight. Either was they come out very clean and I don't think the Oxi is as hard on the sock material itself as bleach is.
  6. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    Cleaning filter socks

    I may try the oxyclean, thanks for the idea.

    I turn the socks inside out and rinse off then. I then put them in a Instant Ocean salt bucket, and fill with bleach and water.

    Let sit a couple of nights primarily due to being lazy, and then rinse them out again. I then fill yet another Instant Ocean bucket up with water and "Prime" dechlorinator.

    I will submerge the socks for a day or until I get ready to use them.

    Then I usually will set them out to dry after that. I have also used them dripping wet out of the Prime water. I just ring it out or let it drip for a couple of minutes.

    I have always been afraid to use the washer due to soap residue from previous loads or poor rinse cycles. I am kinda paranoid I guess.

    My way is kinda of a pain in the rear though, but it gives me a piece of mind not having to worry about the soap getting into my tank.
  7. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    Filter socks

    Filter socks are usually rated by microns not thickness also. I have found that a 100 micron filter will filter the water really clear. It traps smaller particles than a 200 micron for example.

    You can find different filter microns at I also have bought several from, but I cannot remember what micron they are. I want to say they are 100 micron. Just remember that the smaller the micron #, the faster they will clog and need to be cleaned.
  8. ibassfsh

    ibassfsh Ex Reefer of the Year

    Sump and filter sock

    Here is a picture of a sump I made. I had a local plastic company fabricate a holder for two filter socks on my 90 gallon tank.


    Thats the last post from me tonight I swear. Oh yeah the server clock needs to be set back.
  9. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    Re: Sump and filter sock

    It is probably running at GMT. You have to change the offset in your profile... just change to -6 hours

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