Assistant Manager position available in Conway area

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Guest, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just wanted to post a job opening at the Cato Fashions store in Conway on Hwy. 65N. This is the Cato store that is located in the Conway Towne Center on 65N. It is a full-time 2nd Assistant Manager position, approx. 35-40 hrs. Retail experience of some kind, required. Anyone interested can inquire at the store (manager's name is Maggie), or go online to [url2='':3hsg1lrp][/url2:3hsg1lrp] & apply. They can print it off & take it into the store. Thanks!
  2. TJ - Thank you for posting in the lounge, I have always thought that being a "Fish Geek" would be a good quality for a buisness to ask potential candidates.  You might want to suggest to your coorperate office that you add that criteria to all interviews.  I think that it show the best qualities that a person could have - of course I am biased.
    It is good to hear from you and I hope that you find a good employee to fill the job - "Fish Geek" or not.
    Chris Braithwaite
    President - Razorback Reef Marine Aquarium Society
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Chris, well put.  :)   I believe that's an excellent idea.   Us fish-geeks have that special quality.  ;) 

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