Anyone watch BSG?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by jaysuncle, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    Have you guys been watching the best show on TV -- Battlestar Gallactica? Sunday's episode was amazing. The most original TV show ever created!!
  2. It is enough for me to be a REEF GEEK. :lol:
  3. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    I barely have time to watch Mythbuster, Dirty Jobs, House, and Dr. G; along with work 2 jobs, and take care of the reef... oh yea and sleep some. Jeez, I need to get a hobby.... wait a second :?
  4. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    If I had only one hour of TV per week that I could watch, it would be BSG hands down.
  5. heather

    heather Guest

    DVR DVR! I can watch all the junk I want. Dirty Jobs, House, Lost, Grays Anatomy, Wife Swap, Nanny 911, Scrubs and some others too lousy to mention. LOL

    My sci-fi limit stopped when I finished watching all of the orginial Star Trek, the others just didn't compare. Now I get my sci-fi fix from Arthur Clarke. He is a god.
  6. jamesamantha

    jamesamantha Guest

    You sci-fi geeks are missing out. BSG is literally the only show I watch all week. I have always been a sci-fi guy and I had high hopes for the last Star Trek...the actors did it in. BSG has an awesome cast and so far a really great story.

    So Joe I am with you. I just last night got to watch Sunday's episode...crazy!

  7. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    Yes, my Tivos make TV watching much more efficient. I was able to catch all the Firefly episodes as they were rerun on HDNet because of my Tivo.

    BSG is available on DVD. You'll be hooked in a matter of minutes. I'll let anyone borrow my copy of season 1 if you're interested.
  8. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    James, I new there was something about you that made you cooler than the average reef geek. Now I know -- YOU'RE A BSG FAN!
  9. jamesamantha

    jamesamantha Guest

    Yes, we are an elite club of two. :lol:

    I just assumed EVERYONE was watching it. Maybe we will get a convert or two out of this thread.
  10. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    Well you got one. I didn't know it was on anymore because I very seldom watch commercial tv. Seems I've spoiled myself with movie and HD channels. I will find BSG and be one of the gang. The DVD sounds right up my alley. Lets talk !!!! My TV went out recently and I got a 61" 1080p HDTV,
    should bring the Cylons right into the room. Popcorn anyone?
  11. jamesamantha

    jamesamantha Guest

    We just increased our club membership by 50% in less than an hour. At this rate we will have a thousand or so by the end of the week.

    That is the good news.

    The bad news Norman is that there is a $1000 membership fee for this club and I am the treasurer for this one (sorry Joe). So make the check out to me. :shock:

    Get the DVD from Joe, it really is an excellent series.
  12. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    I'm not sure if the SciFi Channel counts as commercial TV, but the new BSG is about to end its third season. Also, some of the Cylons look like humans so that big TV will bring Tricia Helfer into your living room.

    I read somewhere that the SciFi Channel is going HD later this year. Hopefully DirecTV will carry it soon after.

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