55 gal sump

Discussion in 'DIY' started by R&A, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. R&A

    R&A Guest

    Overwhelmed with information...Googled Out!
    So we decided to go with the 55 gallon as a fuge sump combo rather than the seperate fuge added to the current 35 gallon sump. Anyone have a 55 gallon sump that would like to design/share mesurments?? To baffle or no baffle?? So many different options.

    Can Binswenger drill the side for a external return pump?
  2. ljinks

    ljinks Tang

    i recently had a 55 crack on a side pane..

    tore the tank apart and was going to have it cut down for a frag tank

    what i found is that almost all the 55's out there are tempered front back and bottom..

    the sides of the one i had were aparently not as it just cracked and the local glass shop didnt seem to have a problem cutting the sides down...

    so the simple answer would be PROBABLY. you can drill on the SIDE panes...

    but either way its a crap shoot ... tank a chance ,,, be brave , drill away
  3. R&A

    R&A Guest

    Thanks for the info!!

    because of You tube my crafty DH thinks he can drill. So we are ordering a bit from ebay. Still trying to decide on the height of the dividers. I'm thinking it will all depend on how much water we have after the pump is turned off. Does anyone have problem with too much flow through the refugium?
  4. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    the height of the dividers should be based on the amount of water that will drain back out of the tank in power outage situations. if your display tank is 125 gls and you loose an inch of water in outage you have to be able to catch the ten gallons in the sump without overflowing it. so figure out the total drain you will have and then figure out the gallons that will be and measure down form the top of the 55 and place your baffles 1/2 under that to be safe.

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