12 gallon nano cube

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by cindyk18, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    i have a 12 gallon nano cube for sale with custome made stand with dwar and door if need piture e-mail me at [email:1tirtrtw]cindy.koplen@live.com[/email:1tirtrtw]
    asking $100. its a jbj nanocube
  2. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    did you buy it new or used?
  3. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    i bought it used from aother old reef member but it all works fine ive had it for about a year and went bigger so dont need it anymore
  4. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    It would make a good QT
  5. jason71832

    jason71832 Guest

    It would make a good tank for my seven year old. He is showing great interest in the hobby and at this age his little brain is easy to fill with knowledge. He can already name almost all the corals in our tank. He also helps me target feed. I just don't have the cash right now....buying the 150 in a few weeks for the living room.
  6. jason71832

    jason71832 Guest

    email returned undeliverable. I would like pics as well as an equipment list. My seven year old wants to start a tank.
  7. meagan1823

    meagan1823 Guest

  8. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    thank you thats what you get i geuss when you stay up too late at night
  9. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    tank and stand still for sale if anyone would like it pm me or e-mail me [email:3arxw3f5]cindy.koplen@live.com[/email:3arxw3f5]
  10. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    email sent
  11. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    its still for sale any one interested can call me at 1-501 416-0131
  12. kevink18

    kevink18 Wrasse

    we need to sell.
  13. kevink18

    kevink18 Wrasse

    Still have this for sale make us a offer
  14. amanning

    amanning Guest

    Is there anything aside from the tank and stand included with this or is it all bare?
  15. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    it has compacts for lights and filter systym in back of tank and im throwing in a heater and a spare pump you dont need anything eles for this tank would be great for a beginner comes with solid would stan with draw and door for storadge need mor info you can call kevin at 416-1312 it still has the live sand in it and we can throw in some live rock for you too
  16. amanning

    amanning Guest

    I'd love to have it. I need to sell this 55 gal first though. As soon as I do, I'll call Kevin and find out if it's still available. Thanks so much for the info!
  17. amanning

    amanning Guest

    Looks like my big tank is sold as of this afternoon. If the deal goes through, I'll be calling you guys!
  18. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    good luck and well be seeing you soon
  19. kevink18

    kevink18 Wrasse

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