Pet mantis anyone ???

Discussion in 'THE FISH TANK - Little Rock, AR' started by thefish_tank, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. thefish_tank

    thefish_tank Guest

    WE caught a cool little guy the other nite and he needs a good home. Maybe half inch or so with a reddish tint to him.
  2. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I've got a small tank up for things such as this that is pretty empty at the moment.
  3. cabotreefer

    cabotreefer Guest

    He has a new home now... Going in Kylers tank when we get it finished.
  4. cabotreefer

    cabotreefer Guest

    This little guy is cool. He is running around in the ref for now and seems to be very happy there. It was out all night moving around looking for something to thump. I am going to pick up some glass shrimp for him tonight.

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